Depth through thoughtOUCC News 13th May 1992 |
DTT Volumes 1 & 2 index |
Termly General Meeting, Week 4, 8.00pm, NQLR St John's.
Mark Bown will talk Week 5 at 9.00pm, NQLR, about caving in New Zealand and Spain.
There may also be a Wednesday meeting first aid course this term as well, to be announced.
2) Your Own Drugs.
Some of you may need to take your own drugs with you, for example asthmatics.
Please ensure that you have sufficient, clearly labelled (in case you need
a repeat prescription), properly packed of your own drugs- to keep you
going. Tell Joan or David what you are using or IF YOU HAVE A DRUG ALLERGY,
so that a note can be made in case of emergencies.
For those who have not been before, we are provided with quite a selection of painkillers and antibiotics each year along with how to use them and a list of any side effects and contra indications. We will also tell you what drugs you shouldn't mix. You are dosing yourself essentially and there's unlikely to be someone there to be a doctor, so be careful and sensible. Most people rarely touch the drugs at all. There will be plasters, bandages, good old fashioned Iodine and the like, something for feeling sick, curing indigestion, salt tablets, and anti-diarrhoea tablets too.
3) Taking Drugs.
Just briefly - do monitor the drugs that you take by reference to time
taken, volume, and the exact name, so we know if something goes wrong.
4) The nasty bit--JABS
All sorts of nasty bugs will try to get you. Make sure that your childhood
immunisations are up to date. You can see David to make appointments for
the following: Do's; Check Polio, Tetanus, your teeth ( ask Joan if this
seems a bit odd!), and get the New Hepatitis A vaccine. This last one is
available instead of the old Gamma-globulin goo, it is better because it
lasts more than a year (possibly up to ten) and is more effective anyway.
However it costs £40 per go (two shots so get along to your GP soon)
and you will have to say firmly that you have an "Exceptional need" in
order to get it. You do have to get it from a GP. Also get a blood-type
check. If you don't know what yours is offer to give blood( at the B T
S in the JR2) and they'll do it then! Don't; worry about rabies, typhoid,
or Hepatitis B. O.K that's the end of the sermon. So far there have been
no great traumas and none are expected. If you're worried about any of
our arrangement come and speak to Joan because she's very nice.
love and whopping great gooey slobbery kisses, the committee.
The Cambridge were also in Doolin in large numbers, and sightings of Imperial and the Craven were made as well. We did quite a bit of caving, of the relaxed variety. The first trip was a traverse from St Catherine's I to Fisherstreet Pot - a fine stomping streamway, with the occasional wet bedding plane for those who preferred that sort of thing. Cullaun I was one long vadose passage of no interest other than the quantities of gear lying in the bottom of the stream - two new jammers and a flexible friend. Dave Horsley selflessly jacked when the going got low and wet, kindly leaving the gear for others to find. I forgot to say that Dave managed to find us from our detailed directions left with the Cambridge "Dave - we are staying in a brown cottage".
Pollnagollum - Pouleva (Gunman's) was a superb through trip that would have been packed had it been in Britain. As it was in Ireland it was empty. After abbing down the 60 ft entrance pitch, we all sat around with admiration as Graham immersed himself up to his nostrils in a flat out crawl filled with a stream. After watching this we turned round and walked into a large, dry passage that led onto the rest of the cave, which Graham lead us through with ease. The last decent trip we did was the Coolagh River Cave. After failing to frighten ourselves out of the trip by reading stories of people trapped by floods, it was about time to do the trip. Steve enjoyed walking through deep pools of water, up to his neck if possible. Graham & I preferred to get gripped on a high level traverse on chert ledges. After waiting for Steve to finish with his water fetish, the party found a different route to exit by. The only other cave that was done was Cullaun II, which was so easy it was almost embarrassing. Glare came over to visit with young Matthew for a few days. He seemed to enjoy being with cavers, except perhaps for the visit to St Brendan's Well, which Steve wanted to eye up as a potential dive site. This was rather like Keld Head, except instead of being filled with water it was filled with gravel. We had planned to go down Pol an Ionian, the cave with the longest stal in the world, or so it was claimed. Unfortunately the farmer filled up the entrance with concrete before we got around to doing it.
So that, apart from a day's horseriding, was Ireland '92. On the way
back to the ferry Steve's bald tyre blew up. He had already pranged another
tyre on the corner of the brown cottage, so we all had a jolly time driving
and hitching around trying to find each other, and spare tyres for a Volvo
on a Sunday evening. It was done, and we got the ferry back to England,
arriving in Oxford at 5 in the morning.
Chris Densham