Oxford University Cave ClubCave Research Group publication 141961 Oxford University Expedition to Northern Spain |
1961 Expedition Report (CRG 14) |
Enthusiastic Senior Co-Treasurers were Miss M. M. Sweeting, Ph.D., Dean of St. Hugh's College, Oxford; and Professor C. F.C. Hawkins, F.B.A., F.S.A., and we are greatly indebted to them for their constant advice and encouragement. The expedition was sponsored by the Oxford University Cave Club, whose request that it bear the name of 'Oxford University' was granted by the Hebdomadal Council of the University which also awarded it a grant in aid, and our thanks go to the Master of St. Catherine's College, Mr. Alan Bullock, for his help in obtaining this recognition and assistance.
Sponsorship and help were also given by:
The Senior Council of Manchester University; The Society of Antiquaries, London; The Cave Research Group of Great Britain; The Oxford Society and The Gilchrist Educational Trust.
Three members, Cummins, Walker and Wilcock, extend their gratitude to the Old Bradfordians' Club (London, Ltd.) for awards under the Drummond Studentships.
Valuable technical assistance was given for the geoelectrical surveys by the late Professor L. S. Palmer of the University of Hull.
The expedition wishes to thank the following individuals for their services which contributed towards the success of the venture:
Members of the expedition are most grateful to the numerous firms who so generously gave foodstuffs, medical supplies and personal and expedition equipment.