Oxford University Cave Club


Dave Horsley

People Pictures

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Derigging group, 1985
jdw_0101.jpg (478042 bytes)
Ercina base camp, 1985

Surveying F20, 1985
chieveley_yv_unloaded.jpg (336852 bytes)
Yellow Van breakdown ,1986
plymouth_white_van_unload.jpg (317813 bytes)
Plymouth Ferryport, 1986
plymouth_trolleys2.jpg (336818 bytes)
"Expeditioning by shopping trolley", 1986
plymouth_trolleys.jpg (360913 bytes)
"Expeditioning by shopping trolley", 1986
coach_interior.jpg (328836 bytes)
Last stage of the epic, 1986
avebury_return_group.jpg (266540 bytes)
The expedition returns, 1986
rift1.jpg (9065 bytes)
Rift series, 2/7, 1987
1987-004.jpg (438551 bytes)
Walk to Jultayu, 1987
1987-005.jpg (475942 bytes)
Near 2/7, 1987
1987-006.jpg (539213 bytes)
Jultayu ridge, 1987
1987-009.jpg (469107 bytes)
Walk to Jultayu, 1987
1987-011.jpg (415789 bytes)
Reaching 2/7, 1987
1987-020.jpg (515117 bytes)
Rockhopping, 1987
1987-021.jpg (652420 bytes)
Going to 2/7, 1987
1987-024.jpg (460147 bytes)
Group picture, 1987
1987-031.jpg (230344 bytes)
Dave Horsley, 1987
1987-032.jpg (207985 bytes)
Dave Horsley, 1987
1987-033.jpg (302491 bytes)
2/7 - In the rifts, 1987
1987-035.jpg (396203 bytes)
2/7 - In the rifts, 1987
1987-036.jpg (300036 bytes)
2/7 - In the rifts, 1987
1987-038.jpg (441633 bytes)
2/7 - In the rifts, 1987
1987-039.jpg (356081 bytes)
2/7 - In the rifts, 1987
1987-040.jpg (352983 bytes)
2/7 - Pitch in the rifts, 1987
1987-041.jpg (313847 bytes)
2/7 - Pitch in the rifts, 1987
1987-042.jpg (349065 bytes)
2/7 - Pitch in the rifts, 1987
1987-044.jpg (391026 bytes)
2/7 - Climb in the rifts, 1987
1987-045.jpg (418174 bytes)
2/7 - Climb in the rifts, 1987
1987-046.jpg (232437 bytes)
Dave Horsley, 1987
1987-047.jpg (367628 bytes)
2/7 - Climb in the rifts, 1987
1987-049.jpg (345017 bytes)
2/7 - Climb in the rifts, 1987
1987-050.jpg (317942 bytes)
2/7 - Dave Horsley, 1987
1987-051.jpg (281598 bytes)
2/7- Dave Horsley, 1987
1987-058.jpg (297360 bytes)
2/7 - Flowstone climbs, 1987
1987-060.jpg (376590 bytes)
2/7 - Rift climbs, 1987
1987-061.jpg (335788 bytes)
2/7 - Rift climbs, 1987
1987-095.jpg (364667 bytes)
Ario declagged, 1987
1987-096.jpg (358190 bytes)
Ario declagged, 1987
1987-099.jpg (387692 bytes)
Dave & Pookie, 1987
1987-101.jpg (432735 bytes)
Dave & Pookie, 1987
1987-167.jpg (305591 bytes)
Post-party picture, 1987
1987-170.jpg (355056 bytes)
Lunch at Ario, 1987
1987-174.jpg (326635 bytes)
Party with the Poles, 1987
1987-176.jpg (300215 bytes)
Party with the Poles, 1987
1987-179.jpg (271290 bytes)
Party with the Poles, 1987
1987-180.jpg (331566 bytes)
Post-party, 1987
1987-214.jpg (227700 bytes)
Fiesta Day, 1987
88_57_27_ent_group.jpg (453559 bytes)
2/7: getting changed, 1988
88_18_horsley_rocks.jpg (443363 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A., 1988
88_23_streamgroup.jpg (464014 bytes)
2/7: Streamway group, 1988
88_26_stream.jpg (391839 bytes)
2/7: Streamway close to J.A, 1988
88_29_stream.jpg (367056 bytes)
2/7: Streamway below camp, 1988
88_32_climb.jpg (495743 bytes)
2/7: Streamway climb, 1988
88_38_streampassage.jpg (448802 bytes)
2/7: Streamway, 1988
88_80_surveying.jpg (459859 bytes)
2/7: Surveying the London Underground, 1988
88_50_ariocamp.jpg (484961 bytes)
Ario: Camp, 1988
88_66_ario_group.jpg (685634 bytes)
Ario: Group photo, 1988
89_A118_ario_sponspics.jpg (415824 bytes)
Ario camp, 1989
89_A002_horsley_at_egbert.jpg (251718 bytes)
2/7: near choke Egbert, 1989
89_A119_ario_sponspics.jpg (301896 bytes)
Ario camp, 1989
53-5 - tcg, dh, cjd.jpg (116893 bytes)
53/5 team, 1991
duke_street_2_800.jpg (118684 bytes)
Duke Street 2, 1991
horsley-ski.jpg (80340 bytes)
President's Invite 2006